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Sports Injury 

Management & Prevention

Sports Injuries are a part of Sport. When an athlete will push himself to achieve peak performance, there is always a risk on Injury. But many injuries can be prevented and managed effectively to prevent its recurrence.

At PrimePhysio we believe in addressing the root cause of the injury…not just the area that hurts. Analyse why you are injured and give you treatment that not only address the causes of the injury but will also help you achieve a long-term permanent solution. There can be multiple reasons for your injury such as chronic issue elsewhere in the body, faulty movement pattern, muscle imbalance and improper body alignment. All these factors need to be assessed for planning the ideal treatment plan.

We don’t want you coming to the physiotherapist forever. At PrimePhysio we are passionate about injury prevention and we do our best to ensure that the injury you have suffered does not recur again. We also run injury prevention programs and musculoskeletal screening programs so that we can identify an injury early and make sure you don’t have to stay away from work or sport for a long time.

Sports person will be given a priority appointment at the clinic. Kindly mention to the receptionist that you are a sports person for early appointments.

Patient with Healthcare Nurse


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Musculoskeletal And Orthopaedic

Joint Problems

Our bodies are designed to to move. But due to changing lifestyle, obesity and sedentary nature of work we are experiencing a lot of pain. This is mainly due to reduced joint mobility and muscle flexibility. Pain can significantly affect your quality of life. You may be  ant IT professional, housewife, a recreational sports person. If you are injured or if you are in pain, it will significantly affect your productivity and performance. We at PrimePhysio will help you to get back to your previous activity levels and also assist you to perform better at your task without any pain.

Image by Sincerely Media
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Physical Therapy Session
Image by Toralf Thomassen

Foot Assessments

& JPrescription Orthotics

Our feet are our foundation. Normal feet help to attain good alignment a good alignment of the entire body. Due to today’s hard walking surfaces and lack of shock absorption in the ground, our feet have to adjust to the ground. This leads to foot deformities and excess pronation (flat feet) in the feet, which further affects our entire kinetic chain of the body. Common symptoms of faulty foot alignment are heel pain, shin pain, knee pain and lower back pain.


One of the main reasons for Knee arthritis in our country is prolonged use faulty footwear, which leads to excess foot pronation and early degeneration. Use of customised prescription orthotics will help a person to keep the body aligned and reduce the stress on the joints.

Sports Injury


& Lectures


1. Sports Injury Prevention

2. Exercise Motivation : for Sedentary Individuals

3. Computer Ergonomics for IT Professionals

4. Manual Handling for Industrial Workers

5. Staying Fit:

Understanding fitness principles and exercising the right way.


1. Sports  and Musculoskeletal Taping

2. Knee assessment and treatment

3. Advanced Exercise Physiology and application for Elite Athletes

4. Sports Injuries : Assessment and management

Testing Low Dorsal
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