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Patient with Healthcare Nurse


Anand Gangwal  the director of the centre has done his Masters in Orthopaedics, Sports and Manual Physiotherapy from University of South Australia which is one the leading higher education centres in the world in the field of physiotherapy. Whatever the cause, we pride ourselves on being as thorough as we are able to be, to ascertain the fastest and longest lasting result for you.

Exercise Prescription

Sports Injury

Sports Injury 

Management & Prevention

Sports Injuries are an inherent part of any sport. When athletes push themselves too hard to achieve peak performance, there is always a risk of injury. However, many injuries can be prevented and effectively managed to avoid recurrence. At PrimePhysio, we focus on identifying the root cause of injuries, not just addressing the immediate symptoms. We strive to analyse the factors behind your injury and provide treatment that not only addresses the immediate pain but also facilitates a long-term, sustainable solution. Various factors, such as chronic issues in other parts of the body, improper movement patterns, muscle imbalances, and incorrect body alignment, can contribute to injuries. Our comprehensive approach considers all these factors to create an optimal treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Neck Treatment

Musculoskeletal And Orthopaedic

Joint Problems

Our bodies are naturally built for movement, yet the modern lifestyle, characterized by sedentary work environments and rising obesity rates, has led to an increase in physical discomfort for many. This often stems from decreased joint mobility and muscle flexibility, which can greatly impact one's overall well-being. Whether you're an IT professional, a homemaker, or an active individual engaging in recreational sports, experiencing pain can severely hamper your productivity and performance. At PrimePhysio, our goal is to facilitate your return to optimal activity levels and enhance your performance by alleviating pain and restoring functionality.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a minimally invasive procedure where thin needles are inserted into trigger points within muscles, tendons & ligaments to alleviate pain and improve mobility. It's commonly used to treat musculoskeletal conditions such as chronic pain, muscle spasms, tendonitis, and sports injuries. By targeting trigger points, dry needling can release tension, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. This technique is often integrated into exercise therapy programs to complement other treatments and enhance overall recovery for patients.

Foot Assessment & Prescription Orthotics

Foot Assessments

& JPrescription Orthotics

Our feet serve as the foundation of our body's alignment. Optimal foot structure is essential for maintaining overall bodily alignment. However, contemporary hard walking surfaces coupled with inadequate shock absorption contribute to pain and foot deformities, including excess pronation or flat feet. These conditions can disrupt the entire kinetic chain of the body. Symptoms such as heel pain, shin pain, knee discomfort, and lower back pain often result from faulty foot alignment. Prolonged use of improper footwear is a significant contributor to knee arthritis, accelerating foot pronation and causing premature joint degeneration. Utilising customised prescription orthotics can effectively realign the body and alleviate stress on the joints.

Fitness Exercise

Manual Physiotherapy

Manual therapy or Manipulative Therapy is defined as a clinical approach utilising skilled, specific hands-on techniques, which include joint mobilisation, Joint Manipulation and Myofascial Release.

These are highly skilled techniques, which require years to master and give very quick and effective results. Patients may experience immediate reduction in pain and enhanced mobility post-treatment sessions


Exercise Therapy

At PrimePhysio, we expertise in giving you modified exercise programs, whatever your injury may be so that you can maintain your fitness levels and return to your daily routine faster once you recover from your injury. These programs may be gym based, home based or on the field depending on the nature of your functional requirements.


At PrimePhysio, we believe in reducing your dependence on medication. Certainly medication is important during the acute phase of injury, but just dependence on medication for long term may lead to further complications and affect overall health. Exercise Therapy can help to reduce your reliance on medication, reduce pain and assure a functionally independent life.


We also specialise in designing exercise program for patients suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer, Heart Diseases and other systemic illness.

Leg Injury

Dry Needling

Dry Needling treatment involves insertion of small filament needles (acupuncture needles) in Trigger points. Trigger points are irritable, hard “knots” within a muscle that may cause pain over a large area, leading to difficulty performing daily tasks. In Dry needling, a very thin needle being pushed through the skin stimulate a trigger point. Dry needling may release the tight muscle brands associated with trigger points and lead to decreased pain and improved function. Dry needling has various mechanical, chemical and neurophysiological benefits. Careful selection of patients and identification of the trigger points is important for this therapy to work. Normally 3-4 sessions in succession of dry needling may be necessary for relief of symptoms.


& Lectures


1. Sports Injury Prevention

2. Exercise Motivation : for Sedentary Individuals

3. Computer Ergonomics for IT Professionals

4. Manual Handling for Industrial Workers

5. Staying Fit:

Understanding fitness principles and exercising the right way.


1. Sports  and Musculoskeletal Taping

2. Knee assessment and treatment

3. Advanced Exercise Physiology and application for Elite Athletes

4. Sports Injuries : Assessment and management

Testing Low Dorsal
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